Monday, January 26, 2009

A different kind of date night

One of our New Year's Resolutions was to go out on more dates! This past weekend, Husband and I went on a little bit different kind of date night. We're always looking for something besides that "dinner and a movie" routine. We went to dinner and then over to Borders, where we used our buy one, get one free coupon to get 2 hot chocolates (coupon good through March 3rd!). We browsed around a little bit, then headed to the magazines to check out some of our favorites. Then we found two comfy chairs in the corner and sipped our hot chocolate while flipping through our magazines. We only stayed for less than an hour, but it was so nice! We got a chance to talk (about things other than babies) and have some quiet time. So fun.

Valentine's Day is coming up, so I'd love to hear what plans you have for making this day special...and not too pricey, of course!

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